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Resep Saus Padang Untuk Cumi Dan Seafood Ala Restoran | Padang Sauce Recipe for Squid and Seafood [ENGLISH SUBTITLE]

Resep Saus Padang Untuk Cumi Dan Seafood Ala Restoran

Resep Saus Padang Untuk Cumi Dan Seafood Ala Restoran

Resep Masakan - Cumi Saus Padang menjadi salah satu menu favorit yang banyak dipesan orang saat makan di restoran seafood. Kali ini aku mau share resep Cumi Saus Padang versi aku dengan cita rasa pedas, asam, dan kaya akan bumbu. Selain cumi, saus padang ini juga cocok dipadukan dengan udang, kepiting, kerang, ikan, dan seafood lainnya. Di video ini aku juga kasih tips membersihkan cumi segar yang benar.

Resep Cumi Saus Padang

Bahan bumbu halus:
7 siung bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
6 cabai keriting
2 sdm minyak goreng

Resep Saus Padang Untuk Cumi Dan Seafood Ala Restoran

Bahan lainnya:
750 gr cumi segar
½ sdt garam
1 sdm baking soda
1 batang serai, geprek
3 daun jeruk
1 buah jahe, geprek
2 sdm saus tomat
2 sdm Sambel Cap Ibu Jari
2 sdm saus tiram
100 ml air
2 sdm air asam jawa
1 cabai merah, iris
1 batang daun bawang, iris
1 buah bawang bombai, iris
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula
½ sdt merica

1. Pisahkan kepala dan badan cumi, buang kotoran dan tulangnya. Cuci bersih, lalu potong 1-2 cm tergantung ukuran cumi
2. Rendam cumi dengan baking soda, garam, dan air selama 15-20 menit
3. Buang air rendaman dan cuci bersih cumi kemudian saring
4. Siapkan bumbu halus, blender cabai keriting, bawang merah, bawang putih, dan minyak hingga halus
5. Tumis bumbu halus masukkan bawang bombai, cabai merah, serai geprek (ikat), daun jeruk, dan jahe geprek
6. Tambahkan air, saus tomat, saus tiram, air asam jawa, dan Sambel Cap Ibu Jari. Aduk rata
7. Di pan berbeda, goreng cumi sebentar. Pastikan minyak benar-benar panas
8. Masukkan cumi ke saus, lalu bumbui dengan garam, gula, dan merica
9. Tambahkan daun bawang, masak sebentar
10. Cumi Saus Padang siap disajikan

Resep Saus Padang Untuk Cumi Dan Seafood Ala Restoran



Padang Sauce Recipe for Squid and Seafood

Squid with Padang Sauce is one of the most popular menus in a seafood restaurant. This time, I'm sharing a recipe for my version of Squid with Padang Sauce with a spicy and tart flavor that's rich in spices. Other than squid, Padang Sauce is also compatible with shrimp, crabs, clams, fish, and other types of seafood. In this video, I'm also sharing several tips on the correct way of cleaning fresh squid.

Squid with Padang Sauce Recipe

Spice blend ingredients:
7 shallots
4 garlic
6 curly chili
2 tbsp cooking oil

Other ingredients:
750 g fresh squid
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp baking soda
1 stalk lemongrass, pounded
3 Kaffir lime leaves
1 ginger, pounded
2 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tbsp Cap Ibu Jari chili sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
100 ml water
2 tbsp tamarind water
1 chili, sliced
1 leeks, sliced
1 onion, sliced
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp pepper

1. Detach the squid's head from the body. Remove all the dirt and cuttlebones. Rinse well and cut into 1-2 cm increments, depending on the size.
2. Soak the squid with baking soda, salt, and water for 15-20 minutes.
3. Remove the soaking liquid, rinse well, and drain the squid.
4. Prepare the spice blend. Combine the curly chili, shallots, garlic, and blend with the cooking oil until it becomes a paste.
5. Sauté the spice blend. Add onion, chili, pounded lemongrass that's been tied into a knot, Kaffir lime leaves, and pounded ginger.
6. Add in the water, tomato sauce, oyster sauce, tamarind water, and Cap Ibu Jari chili sauce. Mix well.
7. In a different pan, flash fry the squid. Make sure the oil is hot.
8. Add the squid into the sauce. Season with salt, sugar, and pepper.
9. Add in the leeks and cook for a bit.
10. Squid with Padang Sauce is ready to serve.

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Keyword: Aneka Resep, Resep Masakan, Resep Cumi Saus Padang, Resep Cumi, Resep Seafood Saus Padang, Resep Cumi Asam Manis, Resep Cumi Saus Tiram, Resep Cumi Asin, Resep Cumi Pedas, Squid Recipe, Seafood, Indonesian Food