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Resep Dalgona Coffee Oreo & Regal | OREO Dalgona Coffee Recipe [ENGLISH SUBTITLE]

Resep Dalgona Coffee

Resep Dalgona Coffee Oreo & Regal

Siapa yang sudah coba bikin Resep Dalgona Coffee "3 Menit, 100% Sukses" dari aku kemarin? Kali ini aku mau kasih resep untuk membuat varian Dalgona dengan bahan biskuit: Oreo dan Regal. Resep ini *TIDAK PERLU*  menggunakan Whip Cream, Ovalet / SP ataupun Telur.

Resep "Dalgona Coffee" : Disini

Resep OREO Dalgona

Resep Dalgona Coffee

100 gr santan instan kental
1 sdm gula pasir
6 keping Oreo, buang krimnya
Susu sapi
Es batu
Espresso (opsional)

1. Buat foamnya, kocok santan menggunakan mixer hingga mengembang 
2. Hancurkan oreo lalu saring hingga tidak ada butiran kasar
3. Campurkan foam dengan bubuk oreo, aduk rata
4. Siapkan gelas, masukkan es batu dan susu
5. Tambahkan foam dan taburi bubuk oreo di atasnya
6. Oreo Dalgona siap disajikan

Resep REGAL Dalgona

Resep Dalgona Coffee

100 gr santan instan kental
1 sdm gula pasir
3 keping Regal
Susu sapi
Es batu
Espresso (opsional)

1. Buat foamnya, kocok santan menggunakan mixer hingga mengembang 
2. Hancurkan regal lalu saring hingga tidak ada butiran kasar
3. Campurkan foam dengan bubuk regal, aduk rata
4. Siapkan gelas, masukkan es batu dan susu
5. Tambahkan foam dan taburi bubuk regal di atasnya
6. Regal Dalgona siap disajikan

Resep Dalgona Coffee



Oreo & Regal Dalgona Coffee Recipe

Have you watched and tried my "3 Minutes, 100% Success and No Mixer" Dalgona Coffee Recipe? This time, I'm sharing a recipe to make a version of that Dalgona drink with these biscuits as ingredients: Oreo and Regal. This recipe *DOES NOT REQUIRE* Whipped cream, Ovalet, and Eggs. Happy cooking!

Find "Dalgona Coffee Recipe" : Here

OREO Dalgona Recipe

100 g instant coconut milk
1 tbsp sugar
6 pc Oreos, remove the cream center
Ice cubes
Espresso (optional)

1. Make the foam. Whip the coconut milk with a mixer until it expands
2. Smash the Oreos and strain them to eliminate large crumbs
3. Combine the foam with Oreo powder, mix thoroughly
4. Prepare a glass, add ice cubes and milk
5. Add the foam and sprinkle Oreo powder on top
6. Oreo Dalgona is ready to serve

REGAL Dalgona Recipe

100 g instant coconut milk
1 tbsp sugar
3 pc Regal biscuits
Ice cubes
Espresso (optional)

1. Make the foam. Whip the coconut milk with a mixer until it expands
2. Smash the Oreos and strain them to eliminate large crumbs
3. Combine the foam with Regal powder, mix thoroughly
4. Prepare a glass, add ice cubes and milk
5. Add the foam and sprinkle Oreo powder on top
6. Oreo Dalgona is ready to serve

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Keyword: Aneka Resep, Resep Masakan, Resep Regal Susu, Resep Kopi Dalgona, Dalgona Coffee, Resep Milo, Resep Kopi Susu Kekinian, Resep Kopi Susu, Resep Minuman Kekinian, Dalgona Coffee Without Mixer, Oreo Dalgona Recipe