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Resep Creamy Lemon Sauce | Creamy Lemon Sauce Recipe for Salmon or Pasta [ENGLISH SUBTITLE]

Resep Creamy Lemon Sauce Untuk Salmon Atau Pasta

Resep Creamy Lemon Sauce Untuk Salmon Atau Pasta

Resep Masakan - Creamy Lemon Sauce biasanya disajikan sebagai pelengkap hidangan seperti salmon dan pasta. Cara membuatnya mudah dan praktis dengan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapat tentunya. 

Resep Creamy Lemon Sauce

7 siung bawang putih, parut
3 sdm butter
2 sdm cheese spread / selai keju
100 ml cooking cream
100 ml air
4 sdm air lemon
Daun dill secukupnya
1 sdm tepung terigu
Gula, garam, merica sesuai selera

Resep Creamy Lemon Sauce Untuk Salmon Atau Pasta

1. Masukkan butter
2. Masukkan bawang putih parut
3. Masukkan tepung terigu
4. Masukkan cream
5. Masukkan air
6. Masukkan cheese spread
7. Bumbui dengan garam, gula, merica sesuai selera
8. Masukkan air lemon, potongan daun parsley. Aduk hingga semua tercampur
9. Creamy Lemon Sauce siap disajikan

Resep Creamy Lemon Sauce Untuk Salmon Atau Pasta



Creamy Lemon Sauce Recipe for Salmon or Pasta

Creamy Lemon Sauce is usually served to complement dishes like salmon or pasta. Making it is easy and practical and, of course, with ingredients that are easy to get.

Creamy Lemon Sauce Recipe

7 clove garlic, grated
3 tbsp butter
2 tbsp cheese spread
100 ml cooking cream
100 ml water
4 tbsp lemon juice
Dill, as needed
1 tbsp flour
Salt, sugar, pepper, to taste

1. Add the butter in.
2. Add the grated garlic.
3. Add the flour.
4. Add the cream.
5. Add the water in.
6. Add the cheese spread.
7. Season with salt, sugar, and pepper, to taste.
8. Add the lemon juice and chopped dill. Mix until well-incorporated.
9. Creamy Lemon Sauce is ready to serve.

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