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Resep Korean Rice Cake Garaetteo | Korean Rice Cake Garaetteok Recipe [ENGLISH SUBTITLE]

Resep Korean Rice Cake Garaetteok

Resep Korean Rice Cake Garaetteok 

Resep Masakan - Masih cuisine masakan Korea nih. Kali ini aku mau share cara membuat Korean Rice Cake. Garaetteok atau Kue Beras Korea biasanya digunakan sebagai bahan utama dalam pembuatan camilan khas Korea seperti Tteokkboki.

Setelah resep pembuatan Korean Rice Cake ini, di video selanjutnya aku akan bikin makanan Korea yang cukup terkenal dan sudah tidak asing lagi di dunia kuliner. Pastinya menggunakan bahan dasar Korean Rice Cake ini. Stay tuned ya! 

Resep Korean Rice Cake

1 cup tepung beras ketan
1 cup tepung beras
1 cup air mendidih
1 sdt minyak wijen
Garam secukupnya

1. Campurkan tepung beras ketan dengan tepung beras dan garam
2. Tambahkan air mendidih sedikit demi sedikit, aduk merata
3. Uleni adonan hingga teksturnya masih kenyal
4. Kukus selama 25 menit
5. Angkat lalu diamkan sebentar
6. Tambahkan minyak wijen lalu uleni
7. Bentuk dan potong-potong menjadi silinder



Korean Rice Cake (Garaetteok) Recipe

Still in the Korean cuisine theme, this time, I'm sharing a recipe for Korean Rice Cake. Garaetteok or Korean Rice Cake is usually used as the main ingredient for Korean snacks like Tteokbokki.

After this Korean Rice Cake recipe video, I'll be making an infamous Korean dish that is well-known in the culinary world. Of course, I'll be using this Korean Rice Cake as the main ingredient. Stay tuned!

Korean Rice Cake Recipe

1 cup glutinous rice flour
1 cup flour
1 cup boiling water
1 tsp sesame oil
Salt, to taste

1. Combine the glutinous rice flour with rice flour and salt.
2. Add the boiling water bit by bit. Stir well.
3. Knead the dough until the texture becomes bouncy.
4. Steam for 25 minutes.
5. Remove from the steamer and let it cool a bit.
6. Add the sesame oil and knead.
7. Shape and slice into cylinders.

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Aneka Resep, Resep Masakan, Resep Rice Cake, Resep Masakan Korea, Resep Korean Rice Cake, Resep Kue Beras Korea, Tteokbokki, Resep Jajanan Korea, Masakan Korea Simple, Resep Korean Food